Ways Your Virtual Assistant Can Help With Content Repurposing

A Virtual Assistant can help you with repurposing content

You hired a content writer and paid them to create your blog post. Or, you hired a Virtual Assistant to do some research on the topics to write about and find the resources to use or refer to. You then spent time and energy to write and post your blog post. Or, you spent time to write content for a video post you created and then some more to create the video and post it. You’ve spent both time and money for that. And then, you post it on your blog page. So much investment for just for a one time post? Not fair! An investment should be useful for more than one use or for a longer period of time only then is it a viable investment. Wouldn’t you agree?

Repurposing or Recycling content is an excellent way to gain more from that investment. There are many ways to do that and a Virtual Assistant can help you with repurposing that content that you already have.

Converting a video to a blog

You started off with the video creation by creating content for the video. Then you created your video and completed all the tasks related to creation of the video. Now that you already have the content you can use it to create a blog post. Or, if you have transcribed the video, then you can create a full fledged blog post with the transcript. You can also interlink your blog posts and your video to gain SEO benefits.

Creating Social Media posts

You can use some of the key points of your blog post and tweet them as quotes or create an instagram post and link them back to your blog post. Another way to gain SEO benefits and keep those social media posts going without having to create new content all the time. Also, it boosts your visibility across platforms. Your Virtual Assistant will create shareable posts with the pictures from your blog post and use the content to create a social media post and then link it back to your original post. Another SEO point scored!

Create Infographics and share

According to Wikipedia, “Infographics (a clipped compound of “information” and “graphics”) are graphic visual representations of information, data, or knowledge intended to present information quickly and clearly. They can improve cognition by utilizing graphics to enhance the human visual system’s ability to see patterns and trends.”
Infographics are a popular method of sharing information visually. These can be created using the key tips or data from your blog post.

Create a podcast

As the caption suggests, you can produce a podcast based on the content you have in your blog post or write blog posts from podcast content.

A Virtual Assistant can help with creating blog posts from podcasts.

Creating “complete guides”

Being a subject matter expert you have detailed knowledge about certain topics. You have probably published a series of blog posts relating to your area of expertise. You can hire a virtual Assistant to create a downloadable knowledge base like a guide or an ebook or even create a completely different webpage dedicated to this topic and lead the audience to either download it or visit the webpage by creating links for these. These can further be leveraged to generate leads and eventually increase your client base.

Creating tip sheets

Another way to leverage the content already created to generate leads is also to take the suggested tips and convert them into downloadable PDF documents or even mini-guides, and encourage visitors to signup to download the PDF with useful content. Your Virtual Assistant can create these downloadable PDFs and set them up to expand your email list.

Convert webinars to videos

Running webinars also requires content creation. The useful life of the content that has been created for this purpose can be extended by converting them to videos which can then be uploaded on youTube. A virtual Assistant can help you with these conversions.

Creating a slide-deck

Your Virtual Assistant can use the information in your blog post and create a slide-deck for presentation which can then be either embedded in your website or shared on Slideshare linking it back to your website for people who like to learn from slides. These slides need to be clearly presented with inviting graphics and layout so the user doesn’t feel overwhelmed and instead would want to visit your site to learn more about you and your business. The virtual assistant can create these slides for you based on your requirements and get it ready to be shared.

A Virtual Assistant can help with creating presentation slides from webinars.

Creating awareness on Quora

One of the common platforms for finding answers is Quora. Its a good place to connect people with questions and those with answers. Here, you are the person with answers. You can use this platform to link back to your website where knowledge seekers can find in depth information and more and perhaps, eventually convert to a client. Your virtual Assistant can scout for those questions that you can answer, and direct you to those posts.

In conclusion, it’s like one blog post or video post can fawn many other posts on various platforms. If you know “what you want to do”, you can hire a Virtual Assistant to take care of the “how to do” or discuss with a Virtual Assistant to get ideas of what to do with the posts that you have already made an investment to create.

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